

Newly professed Junior Jean Baptiste from Haiti to Chicago


Name: Junior Jean Baptiste SVD

Age: 35

Hometown: Jeremie, Haiti

Languages: French, Creole & English

Ministries during novitiate: Ministry of Care at St. Norbert parish and cooking once a month at Pho Tom, a Vietnamese restaurant that gives back to the community by taking care of people in need

Favorite book: “Saint Bernard of Clairvaux: Oracle of the Twelfth Century” by Father Theodore Ratisbonne NDS

Tell us about a time when you felt God’s presence: I felt God’s presence after I received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

When did you first feel the call to be a missionary?
I first felt the call to be a missionary after my First Communion in 1999.

How has living with the SVD brothers and priests at Techny inspired you?
Living with the SVD brothers and priests at Techny was an unforgettable experience for me. This experience gave me more motivation, and they inspired me a lot by sharing their missionary journey with me, which is significant as it is for the glory of God despite the challenges.

What was the biggest challenge during this past year?
Everything was fine with me.

What are your hopes for the coming year?
My hope for the upcoming year is to start my theology studies at Catholic Theological Union and do great as I continue my formation journey as an SVD junior to be closer to God daily and be a better person by being positive and optimistic whenever facing challenges.

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