On Aug. 4, four men professed vows with the Society of the Divine Word. Provincial Father Quang Duc Dinh SVD presided at the ceremony in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit in Techny. The newly professed members join more than 6,000 priests, brothers, seminarians and brother candidates who serve the spiritual and humanitarian needs of people in 84 countries. We invite you to meet our newest members.
Name: Hoang Minh Tran
Age: 26
Birthplace: Bien Hoa, Vietnam
Hometown: San Jose, Calif.
Languages: Vietnamese
Ministry track: Brother candidate
Ministry during novitiate: Visiting the homebound and taking Communion to them
Favorite book: “The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity” by William P. Young
“Good Goats: Healing Our Image of God” by Dennis Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn and Matthew Linn
When did you first feel the call to be a missionary?
I remember when I first went to Divine Word College; I had no idea what religious life was about. However, after two years of studying, listening, sharing and discerning, I felt like God was calling me to be a part of the Society of the Divine Word. I now have more energy and enthusiasm to help people. The more I do to serve other people, the happier I feel.
Tell me about a time when you felt God’s presence:
I feel God’s presence when I am going through stressful times, when I’m in the dark and keep silent, when I feel like I’m helpless and when I feel happy. God always sends an angel to be there with me, to help, watch over, remind and guide me through any situation. I believe God’s presence is always in you and me.