

In memoriam

For your convenience, we have archived the obituaries of Divine Word Missionaries from 2005 to 2022.


Father Walter Bracken SVD

Brother Joachim Brignac SVD

Father John "Jack" Farley SVD

Brother George Haegele SVD

Father James Henry SVD

Father Khien Mai Luu SVD

Father Paul Nadolny SVD

Father Richard Thibeau SVD

Father Mark Weber SVD


Father Leo Dusheck SVD

Father Joseph Detig SVD

Father Paul Gootee SVD

Father Charles Heskamp SVD

Father Lawrence Nemer SVD

Father Donald Skerry SVD

Father Arnold Steffen SVD

Father Stanley Uroda SVD


Father Xavier Cooney SVD

Father Felix Eckerman SVD

Father Jerzy "George" Gawlik SVD

Father Robert Mallonee SVD

Father Chester Smith SVD


Father Andrew Biller SVD

Father Joseph Connolly SVD

Father John Fincutter SVD

Father Robert Jones SVD

Father Arnold Lang SVD

Father John Rodney SVD

Brother Wayne Till SVD

Father Gerhard Vogel SVD


Father Michael Yvon Allard SVD

Father John "George" Bergin SVD

Father Michael Bonner SVD

Father Walter Bunofsky SVD

Brother Patrick Hegarty SVD

Brother Stephen Kerekes SVD

Father David Mayer SVD

Father Stanley Plutz SVD


Father Vincent Burke SVD

Brother Xavier Eshman SVD

Brother Patrick Hogan SVD


Father Anthony Clark SVD

Father Donald Ehr SVD

Father Patrick Fincutter SVD

Father Bernard Fisher SVD

Brother Louis Gagnon SVD

Father August "Gus" Langenkamp SVD

Father Paschal LoBianco SVD

Brother James Mullen SVD

Father Charles Schneider SVD

Father Eric Vargas SVD


Father Victor Butler SVD

Father Patrick Connor SVD

Father John Harpel SVD

Father George Heffner SVD

Father Paul LaForge SVD


Father John McSherry SVD

Father Joseph Minh Công Nguyen SVD

Brother Dennis Newton SVD

Bishop Leonard Olivier SVD

Brother Cyril Schroeder SVD

Father John Shevlin SVD


Father Charles Boykins SVD

Father John Donaghey SVD

Brother Joseph Hornek SVD

Father Charles Scanlon SVD

Brother Robert Zalikowski SVD


Father James Artzer SVD

Bishop Joseph Bowers SVD

Father Edward Herberger SVD

Father John Kersten SVD

Father Theodore Murnane SVD

Brother Gerard Pashia SVD

Father Peter Silvester SVD

Father Francis Theriault SVD

Father Jerome Ziliak SVD


Father Raymond Guidry SVD

Father Francis Kamp SVD

Father William Liebert SVD

Father John McHenry SVD

Father Robert Myers SVD

Father Raymond Quetchenbach SVD


Father George Artis SVD

Archbishop John Bukovsky SVD

Father Francis Bures SVD

Father Kenneth Feehan SVD

Father Gilbert Gawlik SVD

Father Elzear Gehlen SVD

Father Anthony Hemphill SVD

Brother Thomas Joseph SVD

Bishop Raymond Kalisz SVD


Father Edwin Daschbach SVD

Father Edward "Spike" Dudink SVD

Father Leo Hotze SVD

Father Edward Norton SVD

Father Frederick Rudolph SVD

Father Norman St. John SVD


Father Roger Arnold SVD

Father Joseph Gunning SVD

Father William Hegarty SVD

Father Matthias Lunzer SVD

Father Antoine Németh SVD

Father John Swift SVD

Brother Joseph Urban SVD

Father Lawrence Wagner SVD

Father Edward Wald SVD

Father John Wald SVD

Father Raymond Weisenberger SVD


Father Francis Mahon SVD

Brother Richard Morrill SVD

Father Chester Nowicki SVD

Father Otto Schellenberger SVD

Father Edward Tuohy SVD

Father Henricus "Harrie" Vanderstappen SVD

Father Ralph Wiltgen SVD


Father Joseph Michael Connors SVD

Father Anton Krajci SVD

Father Gerhard Mellert SVD

Father John Musinski SVD

Father Robert Pung SVD

Father Werner Shadeg SVD

Father Wilbert Wagner SVD


Father John Beemster SVD

Father Paul Connors SVD

Father Gerald Garry SVD

Father John Koster SVD

Father Louis Luzbetak SVD

Father Donald Mulrenan SVD

Brother Joachim (Stephen) Oros SVD

Father Lawrence "Larry" Poetz SVD

Father Eugene "Gene" Schmitz SVD

Brother Vincent (Louis) Webb SVD
